sábado, 28 de agosto de 2010

Tarea unidad 1. Uso del diccionario

The Journal of Marketing © 1989 American Marketing Association
Shelby D. y colbs

Corporate ethical values and organizational commitment in markenting 

The authors explore corporate ethical values and organizational commitment in marketing. They (1) discuss corpovalues as a component  of corporate culture, (2) review the literature on organizational commitrate ethicalment, (3) hypothesize a positive relationship between corporate ethical values and organizational commitment, and (4) empirically test the relationship with data from more than 1200 professional marketers, representing subsamples of marketing managers, marketing researchers, and advertising agency managers. The study results provide strong evidence of a positive association between corporate ethical values and organizational commitment. Given previous research demonstrating a strong link between commitment and specific organizational benefits, corporate ethics may be not only an important societal issue, but a key organizational issue as well.

Verbos: agency / values
Adjetivo: corporate / more
Articulos: The / a
Preposiciones: of / between
Sufijo: commitment / ethicalment
Prefijos: subsamples / researchers

commitment: noun, compromiso, dedicación  {contenido }

subsamples: noun, una muestra tomada de una larga lista de ellas [contenido}
strong: adj, fuerte.  {funcion}                               Given : adj dado   inclinado  { función}
issue v, salir fluir   {contenido }   

articulos preposicion  conjucion prefijos sufijos
Los  autores de la corporacion exploran la etica y los valores, comunmente lo hacen en las organizaciones

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